IVS Setup

Setting up and starting IVS Experiments

First see... Getting Hobart field system up on NewSmerd

Because there is a need to run the dish for research other than IVS for as many hours as possible even after normal work hours, it may be neccesary for you to set up an IVS experiment prior to observing. The purpose of these notes is to tell you how to do it. Please let us know if anything is missing from these notes.

  • These instructions assume the .skd and .prc files are in place on Hobart. If not, you will need to run drudg. See MtPleasant26.DrudgIVS
  • Move the focus position to -256, +248, +18 (x,y,z) (bottom of rack 2)
  • Ensure 2020 LO Kill switch is off. (bottom of rack 2)
  • Ensure that cables A21 and A22 are each terminated in 50 ohms. Top of rack 5
  • Ensure phasecal cable is in. (Back of rack 10)
  • Ensure alarm cable is connected. (Back of rack 10)
  • Ensure the previous receiver to be used is not using Agilent LO frequency that interferes with S or X band signal, if so change the frequency/level using the graphic interface on hobart,
    or use the command line version, and for explanation of usage, type,
    oscillator_control - - help
  • Check there is space on Hobart for the new log using the command

df -k /usr2/log

Logs are typically less than 2 MB in size. Make sure Mark5A software is running on mkv by typing

ps auxww | grep -i mark

and look for Mark5A -m0. If not then the command on the Mark5 recorder is

Mark5A -m0 &

Check that rs.tcl is not running as FS will give GPIB errors otherwise.(rs.tcl no longer in use??)

If the previous VLBI experiment was not mark5 (ie S2) then run

chooser mk5

in the PCFS log window prior to the next step, type fs to start Field System on Hobart. Watch for errors. Load the experiment procedure library.

Use the experiment name with "ho" on the end. Run the setup. The command for an R1 experiment is "setupsx". Look in the experiment procedure library printout to find the correct setup procedure name.

  • Check all the VCs are happy, ie no red lights and no nasty messages appearing in pcfs log window. Command "VC15=200,2" will load some values to keep VC15 happy which is not normally used. Command "valarm" will turn off any remaining alarm lights on the VCs.
  • Check that if3 is happy with no red lights. You may need if3=alarm
  • Check the formatter error light is off. You may need to do "form"
  • Check that power reading for each VC USB is between 0.1 and 1.0 volt
  • Check that phasecal is visible for each usb out on all VCs
  • Set the cal to be controlled by PCFS.
    smerd:observer:>calu -m pcfs
  • Check that caltsys works. Caltsys results between 50 and 70k
  • Check that weather works. wth
  • Check that cable works. cablen
    Result is 15XXX
  • Check that the formatter PPS coax (instead of hmaser) goes to HP53131A
    counter channel 1.
  • Check that fmout-gps works. clkoff
  • Check that the mark 5 has a blank module big enough for the experiment. Compare the Drudg summary of the schedule with the label on the front of the disk module.
  • Run disk_pos to check the disk module is empty
    Result should be 0/0 otherwise the disk module contains data.
  • Record some data. disk_record=on
  • Observe green disk activity lights on module
  • Stop recording. disk_record=off
  • Check the recording. scan_check
  • Observe the time and details in the PCFS log window for the test recording.
  • Check the record pointer. disk_pos
  • Erase the module. mk5=protect=off; mk5=reset=erase
  • Check the record pointer. disk_pos Should now be zero.
  • Start the schedule. schedule=r1186ho,#1
  • Watch PCFS log for errors.
  • Check the Mark5 is ready with a module loaded.
  • Continue the schedule with the command. mk5relink
  • Check the antenna is on source. onsource
  • Check the cable measurement system. cablen
  • Add in the test length of cable.
  • Check the cable measurement system with the longer cable. cablel
  • Subtract the 2 readings. cablediff
  • Write the difference in the written log sheet. It should be about 760 usec.
  • Remove the extra cable length!
  • Again check the antenna is on the source. onsource.
  • Check everything on the experiment check list.
  • Start Stalm, Status monitor, monitor Tsys and monitor Mark 5. All these utilities are accessible from Field system menu when you click on the background screen of Hobart.
  • Start FS monitor on Smerd by clicking on the FS Monitor menu button and logging in to hobart as oper in the green window.

Once the schedule starts, watch the log and everything closely for the first scan or so.

Send the start message. Use the template in smerd:/vlbobs/ngs/start You can use observer@ares account and pine email program if you wish.