Software /
Sam Test
The SamTest software records the sampler output to an Octave readable ASCII file. Below is the usage statement for the program.
usage : samtest [-a] (average the VFC values and the answer) [-b <number bins across pulsar>] [-c <cal switching frequency>] [-d <cal duty cycle>] [-e <epoch for pulsar period>] [-f <sampling frequency> (continuum mode)] [-g <phase for pulsar>] [-h] (this output) [-i <number of first VFC to sample>] [-l <plot data as collected>] (pulsar mode) [-k (Kill current Job) [-n <number of VFCs to sample>] [-o <filename>] (octave format output) [-p <pulsar period>] [-q <number of queries> (SCT testing option) [-r] (read the VFCs in reverse order) [-s <number of seconds to sample for>] [-t (secret test option) [-u <name>] (if your are not yourself) [-v] (emulate SP14M style sampling) [<ip address of SCT>] NOTE: This is a test program, use it at your own risk. some options may be broken or not worked as outlined above)
Example If you are interested in studying the noise properties of a given receiver at Mt. Pleasant of Ceduna and you can record the sampler data using the following command:
/obs/develop/telescop/sampler/samtest -c 0 -f 847 -i 0 -n 2 -s 300 -o /scratch/outputfile.oct sam26m
This will record the data from IF's 0 and 1 from sam26m for 300 seconds (5 minutes), dumping the output to /scratch/outputfile.oct