Software /
Astro Hack Information
A repository for Astro Hack information
12 August 2014, Simon Ellingsen : ipython notebooks
PDF version of an example ipython notebook
Here is the link to the .ipynb file (save the linked file)
02 September 2014, Chris Jordan : Peach - a Ruby gem (easily create parallel tasks)
The Google Doc presentation can be found here. My GitHub profile can be found here. This has some Ruby code that may help you program with the language, and has some examples including Peach.
Paper Aesthetics
19 August 2014, Courtney Brown : colorbrewer2
choose colour schemes (and export) that are colourblind/photocopy/LCD/print friendly
General Tools
19 August 2014, Courtney Brown : Astronomy Image Explorer
The ADS of images (for IOP journals only): []|
16 September 2014, Bryn Emptage : Physics Course resources
A blog containing a useful list of physics course materials legally and freely available : So you want to be come a Physicist Blog