Mark 5

Newly acquired recording modules will have to be conditioned (formatted) before they can be used for IVS experiments. They also have to be assigned a VSN each, to mark them out with a unique digital signature. The digital VSN should correspond to the VSN on the physical label on the module.

Conditioning Modules on the Mark 5A

(NOTE: Modules conditioned on the Mark 5A CAN used for recording in the Mark 5B as well)

  • Ensure Mark5 software is not running before starting conditioning
    • This can be done by entering >>ps -ef | grep Mark5A into the command line
    • If the screen print-out contains Mark5A -m0, it means the Mark5 software is running
      • It can be terminated by entering >>EndM5 into the command line
    • If the screen print-out does not contain Mark5A -m0, it means the Mark5A software is not running and conditioning can be performed
  • Unmounting a module (if required bank is occupied)
    • Turn key, for bank, into vertical position (to unlock)
    • Extend lever on module to the unlocked position
    • Extract module from bank (carefully as module has significant weight)
  • Mounting a module into Bank A (NOTE: The Mark 5A is only able to condition 1 module at a time. The other bank must be kept unselected)
    • For the Mark 5A computer rack
      • Ensure Power LED at bottom left of rack is indicating
      • Key for Bank A in vertical position (for unlock)
    • For the module to be conditioned
      • Extend lever to the unlocked position
      • Insert into Bank A
      • Close the lever into the locked position
    • Lock in module by turning the Bank A key to the horizontal position
      • The Locked LED should indicate green
      • Wait for Power (green), Ready (green) & Selected (red) LEDs to illuminate
  • Enter:
>>SSErase -c1 -m0
into the command line
  • There will be some print-outs on the screen followed by the question and prompt (to the effect):
This action will erase all the data in Bank A. Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)?_
  • Input decision as y or n and hit Enter
  • Once conditioning is complete, the time taken (in seconds) for conditioning will be printed on the screen; this should be recorded onto the Conditioning and Program Log slip on the side of the module

Conditioning Modules on the Mark 5B

(NOTE: Modules conditioned on the Mark 5B CANNOT used for recording in the Mark 5A)

  • Ensure dimino software is not running before starting conditioning
    • This can be done by entering >>ps -ef | grep dimino into the command line
    • If the screen print-out contains dimino -m0, it means the dimino software is running
      • It can be terminated by entering >>Enddim into the command line
    • If the screen print-out does not contain dimino -m0, it means the dimino software is not running and conditioning can be performed
  • Unmounting a module (if required bank is occupied)
    • Turn key for bank into vertical position (for unlock)
    • Handle on module in unlocked position
    • Remove module from bank (carefully as module has significant weight)
  • Mounting a module into bank (NOTE: The Mark 5B is able to condition up to 2 modules at a time)
    • For the Mark 5B computer
      • Ensure Power LED at bottom left of rack is indicating
      • Key for required bank in vertical position (for unlock)
    • For the module to be conditioned
      • Handle on module in unlocked position
      • Insert module into required bank
      • Close the lever into the locked position
    • Lock in module by turning required key to horizontal position
      • Locked (green) LED for corresponding bank(s) should indicate green
      • Wait for Power (green), Ready (green) & Selected (red) LEDs to illuminate
  • Enter:
>>SSErase -c1 -m0
into the command line
  • There will be some print outs on the screen followed by the question and prompt (to the effect):
This action will erase all the data in Bank A (and Bank B). Are you sure you want to continue (Y/N)?_
  • Input decision as y or n and hit Enter
  • Once conditioning is complete, the time taken (in seconds) for conditioning will be printed on the screen; this should be recorded onto the Conditioning and Program Log slip on the side of the module

Assigning VSN using the Mark 5A

  • Insert a module into the required bank (see for details on how to do this)
  • Once the Locked (green), Power (green), Ready (green) & Selected (red) LEDs are illuminated, enter:
>>Mark5A -m0
into the command line to run the Mark5 software
  • A new window with a free terminal needs to be selected to issue further commands. This can be done by holding:
ctr-alt-F1 or ctr-alt-F2 or ctr-alt-F3 and so on...
until an available terminal is found
  • The following commands can then be entered into the free terminal to assign a VSN:
>>tstMark5AThis runs the software
>>vsn?This command should result in prints indicating that there is an error with detecting a VSN
>>protect=offThis will unlock the disks to be written into
>>vsn=[enter required 8-character VSN here] (example: vsn=HOB+0023)Assigns VSN
>>vsn?This command should print out the assigned VSN; counter check this with the physical label
  • The VSN has now been successfully assigned
  • Remove the current module and repeat steps 2 to 5 in the above table to assign a VSN for any other modules
  • The program tstMark5A can now be terminated once all VSNs have been assigned. This is done by entering ctr c into the terminal window running tstMark5A
  • Remember that a new terminal was used to run tstMark5A. The original terminal (running the Mark5 software) can be reverted to by selecting ctr-alt-F1 or ctr-alt-F2 or ctr-alt-F3 and so on...

Assigning VSN using the Mark 5B

  • Insert a module into the required bank (see for details on how to do this)
  • Once the Locked (green), Power (green), Ready (green) & Selected (red) LEDs are illuminated, enter:
>>dimino -m0
into the command line to run the dimino software
  • A new window with a free terminal needs to be selected at this stage to issue further commands. This can be done by pressing:
ctr-alt-F1 or ctr-alt-F2 or ctr-alt-F3 and so on...
  • The following commands can then be entered into the free terminal to assign a VSN:
>>dimino -m0This runs the software
>>vsn?This command should result in prints indicating that there is an error with detecting a VSN
>>protect=offThis will unlock the disks to be written into
>>vsn=[enter required 8-character VSN here] (example: vsn=HOB+0023)Assigns VSN
>>vsn?This command should print out the assigned VSN; counter check this with the physical label
  • The VSN has now been successfully assigned
  • Remove the current module and repeat steps 2 to 5 in the above table for any other modules
  • The program tstdimino can now be terminated once all VSNs have been assigned. This is done by entering ctr c into the terminal window running tstdimino
  • Remember that a new terminal was used to run tstdimino. The original terminal (running the dimono software) can be reverted to by selecting ctr-alt-F1 or ctr-alt-F2 or ctr-alt-F3 and so on...