J Ds NH 3 Setup Notes

⚠ (:groupheader:) Setup for NH3 Observing at Mt. Pleasant: <:vspace> <:vspace> login observer on mills, smerd, operator on hobart <:vspace> 0. Set top Rhode and Schwarz oscillator to 821.3 MHz, 9.0 dBm <:vspace> 1. Select K band receiver numb 8 on laptop (use stoatn for startup) <:vspace> 1a. calu -m sam26m on smerd (main control sun workstation) <:vspace> 2. x,y,z = 55,141,5 platform receiver position <:vspace> 3. third Rhode and Schwarz (smx) 658 MHz level 10 dbm for (1,1) 630 (2,2) <:vspace> IF attens 23 dB, 20 dB switched attens 15 dB, 0 dB <:vspace> 4. set agilent: on Hobart do : rs.tcl, double click agi1, enter: rf 18.0 ghz lev 16. dbm exit <:vspace> 5. setup das: new program cor32000.pro, load, setup... new setup das: new program cor16000.pro, load, setup... do s for setup after loading new program!! <:vspace> reboot correlator, then do setup again... <:vspace> 6. Do scan on Jupiter, Venus, Orion ... (see Bruce commands below) To get planet position, use miriad task planets enter epoch, planet name, go eg. epoch=06jun17:09:30 (UT date and time hh:mm) <:vspace> 7. setup Hobart: clear all running programs, get a couple of empty terminal windows. <:vspace> cor <:vspace> (this command opens two text windows, two GUI's for correlator) on each GUI, find config file (e.g. das_xxyy_32_2048), select it enter BW 32.0 MHz in small BW text window on GUI go, stop, go, stop <:vspace> meanwhile, enter c/r for /xs pgplot device on spc window when correlator is running, enter sel 1,2 to see both bands <:vspace> (be sure to stop correlator before starting control program) <:vspace> 8. If necessary, make command file for correlator on hobart, using .list file as in this directory <:vspace> cd corsched ./corsched.pl (enter list file name, output file name (same.out), park at end) edit the .out file to add lines with <:vspace> opacity (for skytip) <:vspace> fc fo auto.rpf (for closing and reopening file) <:vspace> put these before line with "source" command <:vspace> at end put "park" <:vspace> The skydip output goes in a bruce file in /scratch/bruce on smerd or mills It takes a long time to list all files in this directory. Names are structured as : bruce_06168.log (2006 day 168) b0616809.597 (continuum data) Bruce log has entries with time stamp like: 2453903.889074 (JD and fraction of a day, UT=0h is .0 day number) <:vspace> analyze the skydips using ~sellings/progs/perl/opacity.pl --input=filename or ...... ....... ........ ..... --help <:vspace> 9. start observing with command on Hobart (empty window) <:vspace> /usr/local/pkg/correlator/survey_ng -a sys26m -c hobart -i 0 -n 2 -r rakbus -s sam26m -f jd-gal21.out <:vspace> (note the output file from corsched.pl is the last thing on this one line command) <:vspace> There are some little executable files with this command for easy starting in directory corsched on Hobart, named jd-gal21, jd-gal5, etc. <:vspace> There are lots of .list and .out files also in corsched, with names like amm-gal21.out, amm-gal21.list, etc. <:vspace> note also .sch files (setup files with frequency, bandwidth, etc) like amm11.sch etc in corsched directory on Hobart. <:vspace> 10. The rpfits file goes to /obs/data on smerd Bruce commands for test continuum scans on planets: <:vspace> ./KILL_BRUCE.pl (from observer on mills, to kill any bruce job still running) in /u/observer/ <:vspace> abort all vdesk jobs <:vspace> <:vspace> on smerd: first open a window and expand it to be full width, most of height of screen <:vspace> cd /obs/develop/sol/mapping ./bruce -f 4 c/r c/r (defaults for rakbus, sys26m, etc.) source jupiter left 13:03:06.72 (whatever ra) right -5:42:39.9 (whatever dec) coordinate mode j2000 drvon (wait a while until the drives are on) slew numberchannels 2 tsys (record result...) length 0.5 rate 0.5 sample spacing 0.005 frequency 1 23694. frequency 2 23694. direction left scan ..... direction right scan ..... <:vspace> when done: <:vspace> quit (must exit before starting correlator control program) Bruce commands for test continuum scans on planets: <:vspace> ./KILL_BRUCE.pl (from observer on mills, to kill any bruce job still running) in /u/observer/ <:vspace> abort all vdesk jobs <:vspace> <:vspace> on smerd: first open a window and expand it to be full width, most of height of screen <:vspace> cd /obs/develop/sol/mapping ./bruce -f 4 c/r c/r (defaults for rakbus, sys26m, etc.) source jupiter left 13:03:06.72 (whatever ra) right -5:42:39.9 (whatever dec) coordinate mode j2000 drvon (wait a while until the drives are on) slew numberchannels 2 tsys (record result...) length 0.5 rate 0.5 sample spacing 0.005 frequency 1 23694. frequency 2 23694. direction left scan ..... direction right scan ..... <:vspace> when done: <:vspace> quit (must exit before starting correlator control program) wiring : Rack 3, panel 1 E and W to panel 5 amplifiers, to panel 4 attenuators to rack 6 panel 4 RF <:vspace> SMX R+S synthesizer rack 4 panel 3 (658 MHz, 7.0 dBm) to rack 5 panel 5 "IN", splits two outs to both "LO" rack 6 panel 4 note: use non-inverting 1056 MHz setting on rack 6 panel 4 <:vspace> Rack 6 panel 4 IF to lower 96 MHz filter bnc, rack 6 panel 2. Upper bnc to 3A, 3B inputs, rack 6 panel 1 <:vspace> rack 3 panel 10 6A, 6B to rack 2 panel 2 inputs (left), outputs (right) to rack 3 panel 8 RF in's <:vspace> rack3 panel 8 DC out's to panel 9 1A, 1B. <:vspace> rack 1 bottom blue panel left two into panel just above - tangle of connectors to rack 2 panel 7 (digital interface) <:vspace> for remote communication with the cor (correlator control) program on hobart: <:vspace> Login to hobart and run the program dscom in an xterm. (it can't run at the same time as survey_ng) <:vspace> To stop the correlator cycling : stop To start the correlator cycling : go To close a file : fc To reconfigure the correlator : config . When finished with dscom quit <:vspace> The stop, fc and config commands return a response and you should wait for them before quitting. <:vspace> <:vspace> <:vspace> ____ delete ________________________________ <:vspace> ____________________________________________________________ <:vspace> ____________________________________________________ delete <:vspace> (:groupfooter:)