Drudg Logs

The procedure for shipping off the logs has been revised a fair bit, hopefully making it simpler & faster. The old instructions have been retained at the bottom of the page just in case. The example experiment code in this example is r1328 so substitute as necessary when copy/pasting.

  • Remove module from the Mark5A & put a red sticker over the green dot. The sticker (should) be on the workbench under the whiteboard. Go to the printer in the office and put a sheet of sticky labels into the printer's tray (printable side up, and make sure it's the correct size with 7 rows and 2 columns) and note the row and column of the label to be printed to (Counting from the top left of the sheet as you look at it in the tray). On Hobart, run cd /usr2/log and drudg r1328ho.log all x y where x and y are the row and column index of the label to be printed. Collect the printed label and put it on the front of the module where it says "Library Label"
  • Check the destination of the experiment using the IVS master list (http://lupus.gsfc.nasa.gov/sess/master11.html). From the metal filing cabinet in the office, take a DHL airways form, plastic dhl envelope, address label for the destination correlator and an experiment label sticker from the drawer marked NGS ENCODERS CEDUNA TIMING. Fill out the DHL address following the examples below. Make a note of the billing number on the printed log sheets.
  • Now prepare the comments file for the log/end email. First, check the paper logs for any comments or notes. As observer on newsmerd, run ./comments.sh r1328 and it will show you some log extracts and get you to check it's all correct. Afterwards, it will save the end message as /vlbobs/ngs/logs/1328ho.comments
  • Next, run flogit.ivs.pl and follow the instructions. When it asks for a comments file, enter *r /vlbobs/ngs/logs/1328ho.comments. It will handle the ftp'ing and send a stop message. If ares' mailserver is working then use your webmail to print off a copy of the email. Otherwise, use emacs /vlbobs/ngs/logs/r1328ho_end.mail and print off one copy.
  • Now you need to enter the shipment info into the NRAO VLBA tracking system. Go to http://magnolia.nrao.edu/track/ . It will ask you for a user name and password which you should get from Brett but which is also on a sticky note on the wall above the fax machine. Select the correlator destination and press the Make a shipment button. In the next screen, change the shipper to DHL and fill in the left hand box with the following information. The system requires a very particular format...

DHL airwaybill number
USN-0074/960/1024 USN-0074/960/1024

The experiment code needs to be preceded by a hash and the module name (the third entry) need to be entered twice with only a single space between them. Make sure you press "Enter" after the second module entry too. The full name also needs to be used, as above. Press the Submit Shipment button and then Record Shipment. Finally, print two copies of the Shipment Record for HO screen

  • Cover letter/Customs declaration - Next go to the office and use Brett's linux machine (radst1). Run OpenOffice Writer and have a look in "recent documents" for a file with a name like "BONN_R1327.doc" - choose one which has the same destination this module. Alternatively, open the folder /home/breid/Manager_public/ and open a file directly. Again, choose one that has the same destination. First, save the newly opened file as "BONN_R1328.doc" to avoid overwriting the original. Edit the experiment name, date, DHL code and the name of the sender. Save it again and print 5 copies.
  • Get the oldest box from the storeroom and remove any old labels. Get the module casing from inside the box and screw it onto the module using the screws in a ziplock bag - this is normally near the whiteboard in the control room. Put the sealed module inside the box together with a copy of the shipping record, one of DHL declarations and the hobart has completed... email. Tape it up tightly, attach the address and experiment labels. On the Experiment label, record the name, Box 1/1, DHL AWB#344... where AWB#344 is the billing number. Attach the clear plastic pouch to the box and leave the DHL waybill and three copies of the shipping declaration on top of it from Brett to sign. The final DHl declaration and Shipping Notice should be kept with the printed log, and left on the box for Brett to file.

Old Instructions--------------------------------------------------------

Brett will normally take care of this but if he's away, you might be asked to. This is Brett's guide to processing the logs and modules from an IVS experiment.

  • Remove the recorded module from the mk5 recorder by turning the key to horizontal, waiting until all the indicator lights are off and then unlock the module using the latch on the bottom left hand corner. Draw it out carefully and put a red sticker over the green dot.
  • From the metal filing cabinet in the office, take a DHL airways form from the drawer marked NGS ENCODERS CEDUNA TIMING and make a note of the billing number on the printed log sheets.
  • You need to create a comments file which summarises the experiment. The easiest way to do this is by issuing the command grep '"' /usr2/log/rdv77ho.log > rdv77ho.comments on hobart. Open this with a text editor and add the following message as a header

Recorded 900 GB of data to module "X", being sent to "BONN" using DHL Airways, bill number "Y". Remaining media stock at Hobart is 10 type A (960 GB) modules, 0 larger size

after appropriate substitution of details. The destination of the module should be printed on the log sheet and can be double checked on the Web. Go to Brett's homepage (http://www-ra.phys.utas.edu.au/~breid/) and click on IVS VLBI Session Index 2009. The destination is listed under the CORR column and is usually either BONN or WASHington. The remaining media can be checked by looking in the storeroom. Add a quick summary of known problems, missed scans, changes to the system and the names of the observers. The end of the file should be the extracted comments and a cheerio. Save the file again. Finally, copy this file to mills for later use (by scp rdv77ho.comments observer@mills:/vlbobs/ngs/logs/

  • The next step is to run DRUDG, to print experiment labels for the module and packaging. Find a sheet of sticky labels (usually next to the printer) and insert this into the printer's top paper tray, face up. Note which row and column of the label (Counting from the top left of the sheet as you look at it in the tray) which you want to print on. Then log into hobart, and run cd /usr/log and drudg r1328ho.log all x y where x and y are the row and column index of the label to be printed. If the printer's chucking a wobbly, try turning it off and on again and it's generally wise to test the label index using ordinary paper first. Once that's sorted out attach the sticky label to the front of the module.
  • Cover letter/Customs declaration - On radst1, the folder ~breid/Manager_public/ contains copies of the shipping declarations. Click on the Ubuntu start menu (top left corner) and select Places, and then Home Folder. Click on Bonn_R1328ho.doc (or another file which has the same correlator as the experiment that you are sending) and use this for a template. If you're sending it to Washington, use one starting with Wash. Edit the experiment name, date, DHL code and the name of the sender. Save it with the appropriate name and print 5 copies. Sign these.
  • Copy the address from the cover letter onto the DHL form. There are some DHL forms which have the sender information pre-printed. If you can't find these, have a look in Brett's office for an old shipment slip and copy the details across. For shipper's reference number, write in the experiment name (so the full reference should appear as 318-RDV77) and tick the box Charge to shipper. Otherwise, just copy all the relevant info from the cover letter onto the DHL form. The DHL invoice needs to go into a clear plastic pouch and these are on top of the filing cabinet. Don't seal this yet.
  • Using flogit.pl. This can be run on mills. Using a terminal type flogit.pl and follow the prompts. When it asks for a comments file, use the previously prepared file /vlbobs/ngs/logs/rdv77ho.comments. The flogit.pl script will send an email which Brett will forward to ivs-ops (you need to be subscribed to their list). You'll also get a copy of the Hobart has completed... email which you should print a copy of.
  • Now you need to enter the shipment info into the NRAO VLBA tracking system. Go to http://magnolia.nrao.edu/track/ . It will ask you for a user name and password which you should get from Brett but which is also on a sticky note on the wall above the fax machine. Select the correlator destination and press the Make a shipment button. In the next screen, change the shipper to DHL and fill in the left hand box with the following information. The system requires a very particular format...

DHL Billing Number
USN-0074/960/1024 USN-0074/960/1024

The experiment code needs to be preceded by a hash and the module name (the third entry) need to be entered twice with only a single space between them. The full name also needs to be used, as above. Press the Submit Shipment button and then Record Shipment. Finally, print two copies of the Shipment Record for HO screen

  • Nearly done. Go to the filing cabinet again and from the NGS drawer, take out some address and experiment labels. They should be in the folders marked Max Planck VLBI, Washington VLBI and experiment labels. On the Experiment label, record the name, Box 1/1, DHL AWB#344... where AWB#344 is the billing number. Get a box from the storeroom and remove any old labels. Get the module casing from inside the box and screw it onto the module using the screws in a ziplock bag - this is normally near the whiteboard in the control room. Put the module inside the box together with a copy of the shipping record, one of DHL declarations and the hobart has completed... email. Seal it up tightly, attach the address and experiment labels, and the clear plastic pouch with the DHL bill and three copies of the shipping declaration inside it. Do not completely seal the pouch. The final DHl declation should be kept with the printed log.
  • Finally, check Brett's address book (on manager) for DHL-pickup. Give them a call to arrange collection. When they ask what the contents are, say "Computer parts". The account name is "University of Tasmania radiotelescope". They'll send around a van to collect it.