Chi 2008252
- Prepared schedule file t08252.skd, sent to pcfs machines and drudged. Edit hardware setup to 7 1 1 1 before creating snp and prc files. edited prc files to match t08232ho[cd].prc
- Centre freq should be 6656 MHz (6640-6656, 6656-6672 MHz) vsop profile.
- on Ceduna, started xdos, profile
- on Ellis ./ --kill
- On Ceduna:
- rs.tcl
- set agil1 to 11.4 GHz
- set 508 Mhz on smy01
- on hex0
- cd ~/fringe_check
- mkdir t08232
- cd !$
- copied .skd file here
- t08252.skd
- edit the .delay file, change HOB to HOBART, CED to CEDUNA to match the skd file
- on ceduna
- start pcfs with 'fs'
- schedule=t08252cd
- confirm antenna slewing
- on hobart
- start pcfs with 'fs'
- schedule=t08252ho
- confirm antenna slewing
- on hovsi and cdvsi
- cehck that ~/evlbi/RtFC/setup.csh points to hex0 ( as the correlator
- start disko and begin recording
- start in the data directories