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T 09248
Ceduna-Hobart diagnostic VLBI
4816 MHz sky freq
Ceduna used Agilent & Wiltron for first LO (at 9 dBm), replacing fixed oscillator. SMY01 and SML were used as second LOs at 436 MHz for Ch1 and Ch2 respectively. DAS profile VSOP_HO.PRO
Ceduna used Agilent instead of fixed 4.1 GHz oscillator between ~17:40 and 18:20:40
Wiltron used as first LO between 18:21:50 and 18:52:10
Ceduna recorded to Fermi disks 17 & 18
Hobart data on external eSATA Fermi disks. Fermi 7 & 8.
- Correlation
- -cross -evlbi -new t09248.skd
- Edited input file for fringe check - 300sec integration fixed start time, telescope delays, ports
- t09248.skd
- machines and threads file are the same as t09246
- edited to point to this exp
- Ran, note trying this without swapped pols... I think (again) that we were fine from here on
- No fringes, input file was wrong. only had 1 frequency specified... try again!
- Betterer but apparently we STILL had/have? crossed pols. edit input file to match t09240