
Here's an example .key file. 1921-293 is the fringe-finder, 1934-638 and 0537-441 have been used for flux calibration. Probably too much time spent on calibrators in this case.

! ==========================================================
! =================  Cover Information  ====================
! ==========================================================

version  = 2
expt     = 'Co-observe 0208-512'
expcode  = 't08232'
obstype  = 'VLBI'
piname   = 'J. Lovell'
address1 = 'University of Tasmania'
address2 = ''
address3 = ''
address4 = ''
phone    = '+61-3-62267526'
obsphone = '+61-3-62266383'
email    = ''
fax      = '+61-3-62262410'
obsmode  = 'LBA5cm-2p-4IF/16/disk'
note1    = 'Please see wiki for notes on experiment'

! ==========================================================
! ==============  Correlator Information  ==================
! ==========================================================
correl   = 'MtPleasant'
coravg   = 2
corchan  = 16384
cornant  = 6
corpol   = 'off'
corwtfn  = 'uniform'
corsrcs  = 'from schedule'
cortape  = 'DAT'
corship1 = 'J Lovell'
corship2 = 'School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Tasmania'
corship3 = 'Private bag 37 Hobart Tasmania AUS 7001'
cornote1 = ''

! ==========================================================
! ==================  Program control  =====================
! ==========================================================

! Allow SCHED to overwrite existing files


! Print start and end elevation, time on source and slew time
! in summary file

!sumitem  = el1, el2, dwell, slew, el1, az1
sumitem  = el1, el2, dwell, slew

! ==========================================================
! ===================  Station Catalog  ====================
! ==========================================================

! Get stations from the DEFAULT catalog

stafile = $SCHED/catalogs/stations.dat

! List stations

station  = HOBART,CEDUNA
! ==========================================================
! ===================  Source Catalog  =====================
! ==========================================================

srccat /
Source='1934-638'   RA=19:39:25.026661  Dec=-63:42:45.62554  Equinox=J2000 /
Source='1814-637'   RA=18:19:35.002525  Dec=-63:45:48.19427  Equinox=J2000 /
Source='0537-441'   RA=05:38:50.361540  Dec=-44:05:08.93895  Equinox=J2000 /
Source='0208-512'  RA=02:10:46.200412   Dec=-51:01:01.89187  Equinox=J2000 /
endcat /

! ==========================================================
! ==================== Setup Information ===================
! ==========================================================

! Get frequency information from the DEFAULT catalog

freqfile = '$SCHED/catalogs/freq.dat'

! ==========================================================
! =================== Tape initialization  =================
! ==========================================================

tapeini /
tpsta   = 'default'
tplength=    100000
nheadpos=        1
density =        H

! ==========================================================
! =================  Initial Scan Information  =============
! ==========================================================


! ==========================================================
! ========================  The Scans  =====================
! ==========================================================



station  = HOBART,CEDUNA

source='1921-293' DUR=20:00 /
source='1934-638' DUR=5:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /

source='1921-293' DUR=7:00 /
source='1934-638' DUR=5:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='1934-638' DUR=5:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='1934-638' DUR=5:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='1934-638' DUR=5:00 /
source='0537-441' DUR=4:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='1934-638' DUR=5:00 /
source='0537-441' DUR=4:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='1934-638' DUR=5:00 /
source='0537-441' DUR=4:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='1934-638' DUR=5:00 /
source='0537-441' DUR=4:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='0537-441' DUR=4:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='0537-441' DUR=4:00 /

group 1 repeat 6
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='0537-441' DUR=4:00 /

group 1 repeat 3
source='0208-512' DUR=10:00 /
source='0537-441' DUR=4:00 /